Department Profile


     The Master of Computer Applications (MCA) programme was started in the year 1984.

St. Joseph`s College was the first Arts and Science College to offer MCA programme in India and the first to produce the Ph.D. in Computer Science in the Bharathidasan University.

There are 9 aided staff members. Among 6 PhD holders, 5 staff members are guiding research scholars for Ph.D, and 5 staff members are qualified with NET/SET.

The staff members of the Department serve as members of inspection committee of the Bharathidasan University for approval of Computer Courses, members of staff selection committee of other colleges, members of organizing committee of various conferences of international and national level and members of editorial board of research journals.

The International Conference was organised in 2014 and 2016. The National level conference was organized in 2005 and 2007.

The companies like Asian Paints, Patni Computer Systems, Fulcrum Technologies, HCL, Infosys, Wipro Technologies, Satyam, TCS, Sutherland Global Services, iGate, Savvion, NetMagnus, Kumaran Systems and ISG Novasoft prefer to provide project cum placement to our students for their values and professional commitment.

To adhere to the motto of the Department "Professional Excellence", the Training and Placement Cell of the Department has helped to place many students in yester years. To be precise 04 were placed in Asian Paints in 2015-16 & 2016-17 and 07 were placed in Asian Paints, Pay Hudle & Stradegi Solutions India Pvt Ltd in 2017-18.


  1. To mould the students with Professional Excellence
  2. To impart the technologies with social and spiritual values in order to form the young men and women for others
  3. To strengthen the research and consultancy by bringing the more number of funded Research projects
  4. To increase the placement, MoUs can be signed with prominent organizations and interaction can be improved with Alumni/ae
  5. To provide placement and training for Economically backward students.


Three class rooms are equipped with computers and A-V facilities to make them smart class rooms and there is an Seminar Hall with a capacity of 144 Sqm. Rev. Fr. Savariraj Computer Center has 2 IBM Servers with 95 systems. The Library of the Department has a collection of 2090 books for the use of staff and students.


Uniqueness, Thrust and Speciality of the Department

  • St. Joseph`s College was the first Arts and Science College to offer MCA in India and first to produce the PhD in Computer Science in the Bharathidasan University.
  • The MCA course having 9 Approved Staff and among them 6 have acquired PhD. This is one of the biggest Aided Departments in TamilNadu.
  • The Department had always been the role model for curriculum design to the parent University and other Colleges of the State. This is the first Department to introduce Soft Skill as a separate paper for both UG and PG programmes. Now, the Parent University is following the same for its affiliated Colleges for all UG programmes.
  • During every syllabus revision the latest trends in the IT industry like Android programming, Cloud Computing, Pervasive Computing etc., are included in order to equip the professional skills to the UG and PG students. Dress code is insisted among students to have Professional look. Our Students are very much appreciated by their employers for their values and professional commitment.
  • Every year an Annual Pilgrimage to Poondi is organized to enrich the spritual culture among the students.
  • Two MCA students have got funded Student projects from TamilNadu State Counsil for Science and Technology (TNCST).
  • The thrust areas of research are Cognitive Informatics, Data Mining, Web Services, Network Security and Mobile Computing.
  • Three PhD scholars are serving as Co-Investigators for one major project funded by DST and one minor projects funded by UGC.
  • Class room teaching by the M.Phil, Scholars under the supervision of assigned Staff member is made mandatory; the evaluation is included in the CIA of the General skills for Teaching and Learning paper. Along with their Research Advisors, the M.Phil. scholars alone have published paper in 15 National / International Journals / Conferences.