Academic Advisory

Academic Advisory

1 Chairman Rev. Dr. S. Mariadoss, SJ - Principal & Chairman
2 Member Secretary Dr. J. John Love Joy
3 Controller of Examinations Dr. K. Alex
4 Heads of the Department Dr. L. Arockiam, Head, Department of Computer Science
Dr. S. Hendry Leo Kanickam, Head, Department of BCA
MS. C. F. Octovia Antony Sessammal, Head, Department of Business Administration
5 Staff Representatives Dr. Lilly George
Dr. J. Wilfred Angello Gerald
Dr. P. Lawrence Rozario Raj
Dr. F.X. Virgin Fraga
6 Experts / Academicians Dr. R. Karvembu
Professor, Dept. of Chemistry
NIT, Tiruchirappalli

Dr. R. John Bosco Balaguru
Dean, Sponsored Research
SASTRA University, Thanjavur
7 Industrial Experts Mr. Senthil Paramasivam
CEO, Nallas Software Solutions,

Mr. S. Jebanesan Croos
Technical & Business Head,
Florescer Info Tech,
8 University Nominees Dr. K. Anbarasu,
Head, Dept. of Marine Bio-technology,
Bharathidasan University,

Dr. C. Ranganathan
Head i/c, Library and Information Sciences
Bharathidasan University,

Dr. M. Babu,
Director i/c, School of Management,
Bharathidasan University,
9 Special Invitees:
10 Rector Rev. Dr. Pavulraj Michael SJ
11 Secretary Rev. Dr. K. Amal SJ
12 Deputy Principal (Shift II) Dr. P. Rajendran
13 Vice-Principal (Shift I) Rev. Dr. L. John Peter Arulanandam, SJ
14 Vice-Principal (Shift I) Dr. F.R. Alexander Pravin Durai
15 Vice-Principal (Shift I) Dr.G. Iruthayaraj
16 Vice-Principal (Shift II) Rev. Dr. V. Gilburt Camillus, SJ
17 Vice-Principal (Shift II) Ms. S. Backya Selva Rathi
18 Vice-Principal (Shift II) Mr. T. Antony Diwakar Chandran
19 Director, CCCD Dr. V. Rajesh Kannan,
Bharathidasan University,
20 Director, IQAC Dr. A. Rose Venis
21 Additional Director, IQAC Dr. R. Qurshid Begum
22 Deans
23 School of Human Excellence Rev. Dr. Pavulraj Michael, SJ
24 School of Biological Sciences Dr. A. Egbert Selwin Rose
25 School of Computing Sciences Dr. A. Anthony Eldred
26 School of Languages & Culture Dr. J. John Love Joy
27 School of Management Studies Dr. M. Julias Ceasar
28 School of Physical Sciences Dr. J. Charles
29 Director, MBA Rev. Dr. P. Paulraj, SJ
30 Director, Library Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Arockiam, SJ
31 Director, SHEPHERD Rev. Dr. T. Sahayaraj, SJ
32 Director, Sports & Games Rev. Fr. A.I. Rajasekaran, SJ
33 Director, AICTE Programmes Dr. S. Britto Ramesh Kumar
34 President, Staff Association Dr. A. Joseph Sahayaraj
35 Superintendent Mr. N.M. Pushparaj
36 Student Representative Mr. B. Vimalraj, Chairman, Student Council